Monday, November 10, 2008

Is It a Good Thing?

What's up with reality shows these days? Okay, I guess that is a silly question. It's not like most reality shows were ever that great, what with their lack of creativity, story, and intellectual stimulation. Instead, they satisfy America's voyeuristic tendencies while allowing us to feel superior. We no longer have to peep in our neighbor's windows. We can now do it from the comfort of our own reclining couches. The variety of reality shows is endless, meaning there is something for everyone, from kiddies to grandparents to twisted sick fucks. My own tastes fall somewhere in that range, but I have recently discovered a show that blew my mind.

Most of you are familiar with Martha Stewart Living, unless you are busy eating your own toenail clippings and writing your manifesto. Love her or hate her, she is here to stay, and she seems stronger than ever now that she has street cred after her stint in the Big House. But you might not be aware that she has an adult daughter, Alexis, who as far as I can tell makes a living off of being Martha Stewart's daughter. Alexis has taken her career to a new level, from merely being Martha's offspring to public critic.

The other night I was flipping channels when I stumbled across a show called Whatever, Martha on the Fine Living Network, where old how-to shows go to die. The show features Martha's daughter, Alexis, and her friend, Jennifer, making fun of vintage clips of her mother's show. And they aren't nice; they say all the kinds of things you would say too, especially since Martha isn't your mother. They start by making fun of segments, like the guy with his fascinating antique twine collection or Martha's impossible guide to making s'mores, which is more about the quality of the sticks and bundling them with a winsome ribbon than actual marshmallow roasting. When they get around to it, Alexis and Jennifer insult her directly, her clothes and hair and bizarre homemaking fetishes. And if time permits, they go off on topics unrelated to the show entirely, such as nudity in gym locker rooms.

The show appeals to my inner bitch. And really, who doesn't like to make fun of one's mother? But insulting your mother with your friends is one thing, doing it so publicly, even if it is a lesser cable channel, is another. Furthermore, it is more acceptable to insult your mother than to have your friend do it. Isn't there a whole "yo mama" culture that speaks to this very issue? The bizarre part is Martha approves. She is the executive producer, so I suppose as long as Alexis and Jennifer don't compare her to a serial killer or discuss her aging vulva on the air, pretty much anything goes. An interesting mother-daughter dynamic, wouldn't you say?

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I think you like this show because, you would like one too. I actually think the three of us would find it both cathartic and amusing.